Tamil Nadu mills face testing period due to power cuts
May 02, 2019 (India)
Until last year, spinning mills in Tamil Nadu were running round the clock, and were busy expanding their operational capacities. Currently, with the export market hit by the economic crisis, and a few other factors, the declining foreign orders have pushed the textile industry into the brink of crisis.
Textile mills in Coimbatore which account for a predominant number of mills in South India, are now idle. Many units are closing down, putting thousands of jobs in jeopardy. The previous year witnessed the closure of 392 mills making more than 200,000 workers jobless.
The economic liberalization, which was believed to be the pivot of Coimbatore spinning mill's success, is now being blamed as a reason for the industrial turmoil.
Mills in Tamil Nadu are facing a power cut of 45%. With very little electricity to run the machines, burdened with intermittent power cuts, the spinning mills operate with minimum capacity. Due to the ongoing power crisis, mills are running only on 55% of their production capacity resulting in drastic cuts in production and widespread lay-offs.
泰米爾納德邦的紡織廠有45 %的停電率。用非常小的電力運行機器,加上間歇性停電,紡紗廠經營能力低。由于目前的電力危機,正在運行的工廠只有55 %的產能,導致生產大幅度削減和廣泛裁員
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公 司:昆山市英杰紡織品進出口有限公司
地 址:江蘇省昆山市新南中路567號雙星疊座A2217